this, a loving salute to a summer so full of life⋯ in which⋯i⋯wandered around⋯some very different cities⋯conversed with many⋯some just met,some that i've already knew⋯ reconnected with old ones⋯sharing some simple pleasures of life⋯together ⋯knowledge of their existence⋯ that's a natural one⋯words are not necessary⋯visited many art venues⋯ stood in awe⋯partaking people's creativity⋯rejoicing in their creation⋯ spurring my own ambitions⋯pulled many all-nighters⋯trying things out⋯failed many a time⋯ gaining much invaluable insight⋯walked many miles⋯under the scorching sun⋯ sweating out what's not needed⋯swapping with what's really needed⋯channeling⋯sharing⋯recharching⋯energy⋯energy⋯ this, a summer full of life.