Choi Hyemin

is born in

  • April 18
  • Seoul, South Korea
  • has lived in

  • Seoul, South Korea
  • Seong-nam, Gyeonggi-do, South Korea
  • Bonn, Germany
  • Toronto, Canada
  • Singapore
  • is based in

  • Ilsan, Gyeonggi-do, South Korea
  • studied

  • Fashion Design
  • is studying

  • Visual Design at the University of Seoul
  • worked for

    Gentle Monster
  • a local eyewear brand
  • as a part of store branding team
  • Abybom
  • a beauty and cosmetic brand
  • as a part of PR team
  • is part of

  • a design collective
  • started from 2022
  • with Dohee Kim and Sola Park
  • ...
  • ❬/recode❭
  • a coding community in UOSVD
  • since 2023
  • KYPA
  • an NGO
  • since 2024
  • as a part of planning & design committee
  • ( KYPA stands for Korean Youth Promotion Association )
  • enjoys

  • doing brand design
  • doing editorial & typography focused works
  • making websites
  • researching, building narratives, programming, archiving,
    translating and editing
  • ...
  • values

  • compassion
  • health
  • freedom
  • wishes

  • to live a sustainable, healthy life
  • to live a sustainable, healthy life of a graphic designer
  • to own and manage a fun place and grow communtiy
  • to open a small shop for mom
  • to live with a dog and a cat
  • prefers

  • veganism
  • walking than running, standing and sitting
  • morning than night
  • summer than winter
  • spicy than mild
  • iced drinks than hot drinks
  • chocolates than candies and gummies
  • limes than lemons
  • crunchy than soft/soggy
  • veggies than meat and fish
  • fruits than veggies
  • animals and plants than humans
  • likes

  • Hatha and Ashtanga Yoga
  • cooking...
  • watching movies...
  • reading...
  • visiting art book spots
  • venues like...
  • is fan of

  • Ryuichi Sakamoto
  • David Lynch
  • Wim Wenders
  • Jim Jarmusch
  • Yoon Sang
  • Oh Hyuk
  • Mandong
  • FKA Twigs
  • Patty Smith
  • Anthony Bourdain
  • Erykah Badu
  • Korean Graphic Design Scene
  • can be reached through

    Email +82 10 7295 1820